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Play Pokémon Go from Home

The launch of Pokémon Go back in the summer of 2016 had everyone on their feet and in the streets looking to catch and battle their mythical creatures. It was a time when groups of kids and adults came together to “Catch ’em all” in the real world.
However, given the current situation and not being able to venture outside due to many people having to self-isolate as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we thought we would put a guide together on how to get the most out of Pokémon Go from the comfort of your own home.
Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go Update

Over the last few days a number of updates have been released to make catching ‘em all during the coronavirus lockdown more compatible with being stuck safe at home.

If you have ever played the game you will know that the whole point is to get outdoors and catch Pokémon, visit Pokéstops and essentially dominate gyms in the real world.

Niantic, the developer behind Pokémon Go took a number of measures to make the transition easier for its players.

The new updates include:

  • Incense duration has been extended from half an hour to one hour
  • The hatching distance for eggs has been halved
  • Pokéstops now drop more gifts than usual
  • Inventory limit of gifts has been increased from 10 to 20
  • The number of Pokémon that spawn in the wild has been increased
  • A bundle of 30 incense has been made available in the shop for the significantly reduced price of one Pokécoin.

How to Play Pokémon Go at Home

There are a number of ways to be able to still get the most out of playing Pokémon Go whilst on lockdown or in self-isolation. Grab your mobile phone and get yourself settled, here’s how to make the most of being on lockdown.

If you are on lockdown but are still permitted to exercise outdoors once a day, see if there are any gyms or Pokéstops within walking distance. Please only do this if you can get there and back within the limits of the social distancing guidelines. Walking to Pokémon Go landmarks in your area is a great way to get exercise and fresh air while keeping up with gameplay.

As with a step tracker keep Pokémon Go running as you go about your daily indoor routine. You will be walking enough around your house and garden to hatch eggs, and should even come across some wild Pokémon thanks to the update from Niantic.
Pokemon Go Covid 19

Stay Connected

Pokémon Go has many incredible online communities and local groups, now would be a perfect time to get connected with them. You can add new players as friends, battle them and send each other gifts like Pokéballs and eggs. Plus when quarantine is over you will have a whole new community of Pokémon Go friends.
Pokemon Go Gym
Never played Pokémon Go before? Download the game from Google Play Store or Apple Store today.